
You can get the help you need from the comfort of your own home. We offer online naturopathic consultations so we can help not only people in our local area but all over Australia and internationally! This makes commiting to your health goals that much easier.

Meet Mel, she is our Naturopathic Skin Expert, and it’s her mission to get to the root cause of your skin concerns.

She is a degree qualified Naturopath with many years of clinical experience in treating chronic and debilitating skin conditions. Not only is skin health her clinical speciality, she also has first hand experience in how life altering skin issues can be, having experienced (and resolved) her own acne, eczema, perioral dermatitis and autoimmune skin conditions.

Her inside-out approach to healing your skin involves a detailed intake; assessment of your whole body (physical, mental and emotional) health; referral for, and analysis of, general and functional pathology. She specialises in gut and hormonal health, as these are the two systems most commonly associated with problematic skin. Mel also helps our clients successfully transition off oral contraception, oral and topical antibiotics and oral and topical steroids.

By addressing imbalances, deficiencies and dysfunction internally, the flow on effects to your skin are life-changing!

We use an online naturopathic dispensary called to prescribe the necessary supplements you may need that get delivered to your door! Melissa also creates personalised herbal tinctures that get expressed posted to your door too. 

Unique 3 phase approach helps to;

Build a resilience to stress and support your nervous system and adrenals

  • Optimise the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects of deep, restful and restorative sleep

  • Identify and address any nutritional deficiencies that can be impacting on your skin

  • Help you navigate which dietary swaps and inclusions are relevant to your skin health

  • Reduce digestive dysfunction and eliminate bloating, pain, constipation or diarrhoea

  • Balance your hormones and address PMS, painful periods, endometriosis or PCOS

Mel utilises a combination of evidence-based, skin-specific dietary and lifestyle strategies, custom blended herbal tinctures, custom formulated nutritional compounds and personalised energetic modalities. This approach will help you connect the dots and piece together your unique triggers.


Conditions she loves to treat include;

  • Hormonal acne

  • Post pill acne

  • Bacterial acne

  • Fungal acne

  • Eczema

  • Topical steroid withdrawal

  • Peri-oral dermatitis

  • Rosacea

  • Psoriasis

  • Scalp conditions

What to expect when seeing Mel

Consult 1


Consult 2

  • Thorough intake of your past and current medical history

  • Skin specific body system analysis

  • Referral for general pathology testing from the GP if indicated

  • Referral for functional (Gut, Hormone or Food Antigen) pathology testing if indicated

  • First phase treatment plan
    *(All expected timeframes and costs are upfront and included in all treatment plans, emailed to you a few days after your appointment)


Consult 3

  • Assessment of functional gut or hormone testing

  • Third phase treatment plan

  • Assessment of your diet

  • Assessment of general pathology from the GP

  • Second phase treatment plan


Consult 4 and ongoing

15, 30 or 45 minute consults for check ins and to assess your progress

If you feel as though you have been everywhere and tried everything and you find you are still presenting with distressing skin symptoms, let Mel support you with this truly personalised and bespoke approach to your most radiant skin. She offers 10 minute Skin Naturopathy discovery calls if you would like to chat to her about how she can help.

Online Initial Naturopathy Consult 60mins



This 1-hour consultation will be a conversation between you and your naturopath Melissa. Melissa will ask questions about your whole health picture from birth up until now. Assessment of your symptoms and systems of the body such as gut, hormones, immune, liver, energy, sleep, diet and nutrition. Melissa will educate you on factors influencing your health and a discussion about GP pathology and private functional pathology testing if required.

You will receive a treatment plan via email 3 business days post your consult which outlines your treatment protocol, supplements and nutritional recommendations as well as any recommended testing. In your return consultation sessions Melissa will assess testing that may have been recommended and provide ongoing advice to assist you to your health goals.

Online Return Naturopathy Consult

15 mins - $60

30 mins - $110

45 mins - $160

60 mins - $195


We provide ongoing naturopathic care to restore balance within the body. Assessment of testing and a treatment plan is provided based on the individuals needs.


This is for clients who have 1 or more functional tests, general pathology tests and possibly other treatment protocols that may also require a supplement review.

Unsure of what to book in for? Book in for a 15 minute COMPLIMENTARY discovery call with Melissa via our booking link.